Blogger Layouts

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Ancillary task - Film magazine front cover

Before I made the front cover for a magazine, I had to chose between a couple of shots of Phil/ Main character. We had one of him vaulting a wall and running. I decided to chose the vaulting one because I felt it conveyed the action/thriller genre we are working in. To improve the shot, I used photoshop to make Phil more in depth then the background. For the magazine cover, I make the layer of Phil jumping over the wall overlapping everything even the magazine front cover. This made Phil more eye catching and the main focus of the cover

Overall- I am very happy with this front cover, I think it shows that the film is action packed and exsiting.

Monday 21 November 2011

Possible photos to be used for the poster

I took some action shots of our main hero to be used in our film poster. I think both shots are good and I have to make them into a poster to see which one is better.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Evaluation Questions.

We have four question we need to answer after the film has been filmed and this are: -

1- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Saturday 12 November 2011

British ideology

Since the end of the Cold War many of Britain’s intellectuals have sought to carve out new ideologies based on transcending the left-right divide. The distinctions left and right are portrayed as dinosaur categories referring to a lost world of class struggle and elite driven neoliberalism, no longer with any purchase on understanding the contemporary world. In their own ways, Anthony Giddens, John Gray, George Monbiot, Frank Furedi, Nick Cohen and Phillip Blond, have all sought to promote alternative political positions. Coombs traces their shared obsession with exorcising Marx, and their avoidance of examining exploitation as the economic base of the left-right division manifested in the ideological superstructure. Taking each writer as a launch pad for an exploration of prevalent ideological themes, he pieces together the puzzle of today's distinctly British Ideology.
This is from the website

The left right divides are as follows

Narrative structure and our own film.

I have outlined two narrative theories; Propp and Todorov we as a group are going to try and use these two theories in our trailer. We are going to show this by having the seven types of characters show in the Propp theory and we are also going to have a equilibrium, a distruption of the equilibirum but we are going to alter the end as we aren't going to have a happy ending as we are planning on making a British film instead of a Hollywood film and aren't necessarily having a happy ending for the main protagonist

Thursday 10 November 2011

Actors list - Character profiles

Main protagonist 'Eric'- Played by Philip Newsham

We have subverted the stereotype of our main character. Most main characters in thriller/action film are big, Strong muscly guy who has been through bad times and generally has nothing to loose but the person who is taken from him. We have subverted this in our film as Eric isn't a strong muscly guy, we have chose him as he is just a average Joe this is so it would make the character more connectable with the audience. He is a generally a nice, easy going lad for currently attending college and is in his second year of it. He is also quite sporty and his life has been easy as he has had no problems with school or his personal life until now.

Female antagonist (under cover) - Played by Emily Sharpe

We have subverted the stereotype as normal stereotypyes of females in films are normally that they are used as prizes for the main protagonist especially in thriller/action films. But instead in our film we have used the female as a prize but we have also used a twist as the female is always the antagonist and has power which isn't normally shown in filmsthis character is generally outgoing in the sense she'll try anything and do anything to be able to complete a task, she is also very quiet, shy, lacks in self confidence and likes to keep her problems to herself.

She is seen as the dark horse in this film as nobody in the audience would guess she'd be behind it all.The general connotations of this character are going to be one of hope as they will hope that the main protagonist saves her but at the end of the film they are going to feel shocked when they find out shes behind it all and then hatred for her.

Blocker/Enemy 1 - Played by Liam Chamberlain

Supports the stereotype of big strong looking blockers.The profile of this character isn't going to be shown much but he is cocky and arrogant. He will also be playing the role as Russian hit man.The connotations of this character will be hate and fury to him, this will be because when he is on screen he will be doing things to go against the protagonist and when the audience have figured out that the whole film was a trap to cpature the protagonist they will also feel betrayed by the three blockers

Blocker/Enemy 2 - Played by Seb JafariThis character supports stereotypes as the character is tall and mysterious looking epecially with the buff on, this then will draw the audience in as they won't truly know what he is going to do and his appearence presence will scare the audienceThe profile of this character is that he is generally a quiete, shy person, but he is fearful as he has a meanacing look about him.The connotations the audience will have about him will be one of fear, the audience won't like him but they'll think that he's not as bad as the other blocker, blocker 1 he is the most hated.

Blocker/Enemy 3 - Played by Cameron Colluney

This character supports the stereotype for blockers in thriller/action films as he is tall and can look pretty scary when he is walking up e.g. in our film when he is walking up the alleywayThis character will have a dark personality, he will be feared, he acts mysteriously and he will be fairly cocky. This blocker is the leader of the three blockersThe connotations the audience will have will be hate and fear

Mentor - Played by Samir Mamun

This character goes against stereotypes and dominant ideologies, as normally in thriller/action films the foreign character is on the bad side for example the Russian hit man, but in our film the foreign character is the mentor and is on the side of the protagonist. This also goes against dominant ideologies.The profile of this character is that he'll be a popular character and also that if he's there on the scene the audience will know that the main protagonist will be alright.The connotations of this character will be happy to see him and they will be faithful to him as a character

Assistant - Played by Scott Mcpherson-Davis

This character doesn't go against stereotypes as side kicks or assistants in thriller/action films are normally nerdy sort of people who are saved by the main protagonist so tag along in the adventure also they always end up having one skill that can help the protagonist complete the task and receive his prize.This character won't be shown a lot in the film but he will be seen as a nerdy character who doesn't like to get hurt or anything. All he'll want to do is sit around with mates and play games. Also this character will over aggregated his emotions.The connotations of this character will be they won't be able to take him seriously and he'll sort of be laughed at in some parts of the film but he is also seen as the sort of funny character

Wednesday 9 November 2011